
  • Role of rhizosphere oxygen to plant growth and development

    Low oxygen concentration in the root zone is a growth limiting factor as oxygen is needed in initiation of several vital physiological processes of plants. Amount of oxygen in the growth medium also determines the root orientation and the metabolic state of the root. With insufficient amount of oxygen, plants can decrease their water consumption,…

  • Oxygen content of water in control of pythium and other water molds

    “Low O2 predisposes plants to infection by soilborne pathogens. For instance, oxygen-deficient soils stress plants and predispose them to infection by water molds such as Pythium and Phytophthora cinnamomi, and O2-deprived roots leak greater amounts of soluble metabolites and ethanol, attracting zoospores.” Nitric oxide function during oxygen deprivation in physiological and stress processes, Isabel Manrique-Gil, Inmaculada Sánchez-Vicente, Isabel Torres-Quezada, and Oscar Lorenzo,…