Nano-Oxygen Water Increased Productivity of Strawberries

According to a study carried out by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) at the berry cultivation farm in Sauvo, Finland, nano-oxygenation of irrigation water produced 15.3 % more strawberry yield than the reference crops in tunnel cultivation. Read more about the topic in an article in the Puutarhasanomat magazine 04/2023.

EOD Oy’s Nanoboost device focuses on energy-efficient oxidation of irrigation water. With the Nanoboost device about 130 litres of oxygen is stored into water by consuming only
up to 1 kW of energy. This amount of oxygen is sufficient to oxygenate around 12.5 cubic metres of water if the initial oxygen content is 5 mg/l and target concentration is 20 mg/l.